Setting Opening and Closing Dates in Your Sourcing Activity

The Opening and Closing Dates in oboloo determine the specific time period within which suppliers can respond to your sourcing activity. These dates are set during the creation of the sourcing activity, and they define the response window. Suppliers must submit their responses within this window, ensuring that all responses are received and evaluated in a timely manner. The timezone for these dates is automatically set based on your organisation’s Company Settings page. If adjustments are needed after the sourcing activity has been created, users have the option to reopen the sourcing activity and set new opening and closing dates.

This guide will explain how to set, manage, and amend the opening and closing dates for your sourcing activity using oboloo’s Sourcing Wizard.

Background on Timezone Settings

The timezone for your sourcing activity’s opening and closing dates is automatically set based on your organisation’s settings in the Company Settings page. This means that all dates and times are aligned with your local timezone, ensuring clarity for suppliers who are located in different regions or time zones. If your organisation operates across multiple regions, this automatic timezone setting helps avoid confusion when setting deadlines for submissions.

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Opening and Closing Dates

Step 1: Access the Sourcing Wizard and Activity Summary Page

When you start creating a sourcing activity, you will need to set the opening and closing dates on the Activity Summary page within the Sourcing Wizard. These dates define the response window during which suppliers can submit their proposals.

Step 2: Setting the Opening and Closing Dates

On the Activity Summary page, you will find fields to set the Opening Date and Closing Date. These fields allow you to specify the exact date and time when the sourcing activity will open for supplier submissions and when it will close.

To set the opening and closing dates:

  • Enter the Opening Date: This is the date and time when the sourcing activity will be made available to suppliers. Suppliers will be able to access the activity from this moment onward.
  • Enter the Closing Date: This is the deadline by which suppliers must submit their responses. After this date and time, the sourcing activity will be closed, and no further submissions will be accepted.

The timezone for these dates is automatically set according to your organisation’s Company Settings. This ensures that the response window aligns with your local time zone and provides clarity for both your internal team and suppliers.

Step 3: Managing the Response Window

Once the opening and closing dates are set, they define the response window for your sourcing activity. Suppliers must submit their proposals within this time frame. The dates ensure that all participants have a fair and consistent opportunity to respond and that you receive all responses within the specified period.

You can view and confirm these dates in the Activity Summary to ensure accuracy before finalising your sourcing activity.

Step 4: Adjusting Opening and Closing Dates (Reopening the Sourcing Activity)

If you need to amend the response window after the sourcing activity has already been created, oboloo provides the option to reopen the activity and set new opening and closing dates. This can be useful if you need to extend the deadline for suppliers or if unforeseen circumstances arise.

To adjust the opening and closing dates:

  • Navigate to the Sourcing Module and find the sourcing activity you wish to reopen.
  • Select the Reopen button at the bottom of the page. This action allows you to edit the opening and closing dates for the sourcing event.
  • Enter the new Opening Date and Closing Date as needed.
  • Confirm the new dates, and the sourcing activity will be reopened with the updated response window.

This flexibility ensures that you can manage supplier participation effectively, even if timelines need to be adjusted during the process.


Setting the Opening and Closing Dates for your sourcing activity in oboloo ensures that suppliers have a clear and defined window in which to submit their responses. These dates are established during the activity creation process on the Activity Summary page of the Sourcing Wizard, with the timezone being automatically aligned to your organisation’s settings. Should you need to amend these dates after the sourcing activity has begun, you can easily reopen the activity and update the response window to accommodate changes. By managing these key dates effectively, you ensure a smooth and timely sourcing process for both your team and your suppliers.

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